Monday, April 07, 2008

Watch your glass

I tend to think of myself as an optimist. I think it's one of my better traits. I always look at potential and possibilities when faced with a set back. It certainly helps to be this way in the world of Insurance Sales.

I think, however, I would help myself further if I took time to actually celebrate the good things in my life. To think about what is making my glass half-full instead of half empty. It's so easy in life to focus on the things that frustrate us, and gloss over the things that make us happy and help guide us through the day.

I don't bust my hump trying to get new groups and sell insurance policies because I want to come home to a messy apartment that's too small for all the stuff we've accumulated. I do it because one day I want Rachel and I to own a beautiful house.

I don't pour my sweat, tears, and blood into Sigma Theta Epsilon because I want to bicker about policy or have frustrations with other members. I do it because I love to see potential transformed into an honest Christian man, ready to be a clergy or lay leader.

I don't put my effort into jOURney because I want to be disappointed when the worship space is less than half full. I do it because I know there's a need for this kind of church, and I know the impact it's already having life-by-life.

And yet, I never really sit down to meditate on things like this. I sit down and grab my hair and try to figure out how I'm going to pay the bills, how I'm going to manage stress, and if the projects I love and care about will ever thrive like I know they can. But I don't sit down and be honestly thankful that I have a fairly spacious apartment to come home to, that I have worthwhile organizations to volunteer for, and taht I have a job that allows me to have a flexible schedule and the possibility for rags to riches.

And I think ... I need to do this more.

No, I don't think that. I know it.

And then, I can become a real optimist.

No more will I see my glass as half-full. I'll see it as on the way to being overflowing.

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