Wednesday, April 09, 2008


So, a little while back, I made a post about what I want. And I listed off several things. But I also named a #1 thing. And that was a signed and completed M0138 form. That form would create my first official group with Aflac.

Well, yesterday, I did an enrollment to finalize my first official group with Aflac. And, man, did it feel good.

I finally feel like I've got momentum and confidence in the field. It certainly wasn't an easy group to get (cold call, plenty of objections, etc), but it's done. My first group.

My first SSC told us that to really have a good career with Aflac, you need 100 groups. That means I'm 1% of the way there. Only 99 more to go!

99 more groups to get on the wall, 99 more groups to get ... I get one signed up, then enroll them ... (you know how the song goes) ...

Here's to more success.

(BTW, I leared while searching for that picture that August 5th is International Beer Day. Who wants to celebrate with me?)

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