Thursday, November 16, 2006

Dear Sir, You Suck

This is getting old. And I'm sick of it.

"You Suck" letters coming in from companies I've applied to.

You know the type. They say, Dear Sir, You suck. Now, leave us alone. Thanks, Management.

Well, actually, it's more like:

Dear //name//,

Thank you for your interest in becoming //job title// at //company//. We were pleased to get to know you and to interview with you. However, we are pursuing the opportunity with candidates who are //more qualified/more closely fit our qualifications/more experienced// than you.

Thank you again for your time, and good luck in your future endeavors,



I hate these letters. I hate them like Anakin Skywalker hates Tusken Raiders.

I got one today. Not that it's anything new, but it came from American Family, a job I was really hopeful about, and optimistic about, and even got my hopes and dreams wrapped around.

The whole process sucks.

Why can't a motivated young man with a college degree get a job?

I'm done with the whole thing. So frustrating, so irritating, so depressing. I'm done. I'm just done.

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