Monday, March 24, 2008

Square Peg, Triangular Hole

I think the phrase square peg, round hole is overused.

I mean, think about it. If you look at something square, you know it doesn't match something round. They're fairly different things. It's pretty much common sense to know they don't match up.

But think about a square peg and a triangular hole. If you twist a square around, and you look at only one part of it, you could probably convince yourself that it could fit in the triangular hole. Until you try to push it through there and have to deal with the rest of it.

But, when you think about it, trying to fit in that triangular hole is something that sounds pretty good. After all, most people are doing the same thing: showing only a part of themselves, and so they look triangular, too, just like you. And, in a lot of cases, the triangle they're showing you matches your triangle, so you fit in. They're just like you.

And so, many times, we walk around, acting like the triangle we're projecting is the sum of us. Even though we project different triangles to different people. We act like our triangles aren't making up a larger square.

But I'm done with that.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm made up of some very different triangles. And I don't want to push my square through a triangle mold and act like it's all I got. I want to take all of me to every situation I'm in.

And, hey, if I can do it as a bleeding heart conservative, why can't you?

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