Sunday, March 09, 2008

Green Bean Casserole

So, tonight for dinner, I made green bean casserole. We also had hot dogs. But they were nowhere near the main focus of dinner. That was totally the green bean casserole.

And I started to realize how much I love green bean casserole.

It's almost magical. It's super easy to make, super easy to add a twist to, it's the perfect dish to bring to a potluck dinner, and it goes with just about everything! And I'm not sure I've ever really stopped to think about just how great a dish it is.

Seriously, think about this: the federal government is going to disallow the consumption and creation of one food. The public gets to decide. How many foods would you vote to keep around at the expense of green bean casserole? I can't think of too many slam dunks.

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