Thursday, February 07, 2008

My Throat Hurts

My throat hurts. Pretty stinking bad. It seems to alternate between a bad scratch down the middle of the inside and a tightening feeling. It woke me up around 4 this morning feeling like both.

Now, I'm convinced that I just have a bad 24-60 hour flu bug. My appetite is back, my chills are gone, my headache is gone, and my fever is gone. Just this stinking aching throat remains. I don't really wanna hear any diagnosis that it might be worse. Ok?

And it's the kind of aching throat that gets worse every time I speak. Not good when I've got a career in sales.

Anyways, I've been doing the remedies I know. I've been drinking lots of pulp-free OJ (the juice coats my throat and provides temporary relief, and the vitamin C helps my body heal). I've been gargling with salt water to try to free up phlegm. And I've been popping cough drops to provide soothing for momentary relief.

But here's my questions: anyone got any other home remedy techniques that might help me out?

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