Saturday, February 23, 2008


Anyone wanna pitch in some money and help me win this eBay auction?


This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Isn't it?

(or, better yet, anyone wanna help me come up with a similar scam idea to make some quick cash on eBay?)


Rachel said...
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Rachel said...

So here's what we do ...

We buy a donkey. We use it for the jOURney commercials. Then we auction it off on eBay as the donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem. We call it "The Palm Sunday Donkey".

I think it could be a good one ...

Dri said...

I couldn't get the page to come up in English.... but I'm intrigued by what you found for sure.

Don't get your hopes up, though, we probably still can't contribute to the auction. :)