Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Why Can't I Have Normal Dreams?

Another bizarre dream last night, still looking for a dreamologist to explain these things to me. Anyways, here's the recap.

I'm driving along in my car, following Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Tony Stewart in their NASCAR cars, apparently during a course. The ground is covered with a good four inches of snow, which makes me wonder 1) why am I driving during a NASCAR race and 2) why are they racing in snow.

Anyways, Jr. and Tony bump each other in front of me, and I just kind of pull over to a stop, rather than try to pass during the ensuing spin outs, not being an actual trained racecar driver or anything. At that point in time, Jr. jumps out of his car and then it catches on fire, for seemingly no reason at all. This prompts Tony Stewart to jump out of his car, pop his trunk (which, amazingly enough, works despite being a NASCAR) and grabs a fire extinguisher, and puts the fire out.

This leads to Tony and Jr. hugging before Tony's car does the same, and Jr. waves his hands through the smoke over his car to pop his trunk, and get his fire extinguisher out, and put the fire out on Tony's car. This leads to me being able to hear the race announcer (Keith Jackson) saying "the team won't like Jr. using his extinguisher to help out Tony Stewart". Not real sure why I could hear that, or why they'd be mad. But whatever.

Apparently at this point in time, I've gotten out of my car, too, perhaps out of fear that it, too, might catch fire for no real reason, though that never happens. I start to look around and notice that we're not really on a track, but rather on a rope bridge. I look down at the water, and it's a thick, dark, black water. Suddenly, I hear some eerie 1950's Sci-Fi music, and turn around, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon is coming at myself, Tony, and Jr.

And that's when I woke up.

I don't even watch NASCAR ...

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