Sunday, August 20, 2006


Well, today the streak ended ... I guess. We got lunch, instead of dinner, at the church for free, just for helping out a little bit. So, *technically* the streak ended, but you can still totally see God providing at every moment.

Still, I say it technically ended because I cooked dinner at home. We had baked pork chops, baked with diced potatoes and a lettuce and cucumber salad. It was very yummy. And, very affordable. The taters were on sale, and we got the pork chops on a "we need to seel now" yellow tag at Wal-Mart. The lettuce was on sale, too.

But that's not the whole story of God's provision. You see, while yes, we had to use our food for dinner tonight, we still didn't pay for it. Saturday, a friend randomly gave Rachel fifty dollars to buy groceries, something we hadn't done in two plus weeks. So, we went to the store with a list of "needs" and some grocery wants (like produce and frozen pizza), got all our "needs" (like milk, eggs, rice) and a good number of our wants and still only spent $47.85 of the fifty dollars we were given. So even the meal we cooked ourselves was provided for by God's hand.

How amazing is He?

So, anyways, tomorrow I finally get to *officially* start my job. I'll be in Dayton training tomorrow and Tuesday (I think that's it, but I guess we'll see). Wish me luck!

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