Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Late to the Party

Ok, so I am horribly late to the party, but I have recently discovered the awesomeness that is Podcasts and subscriptions thereof. It's nice to have information I want ready at my fingertips when I want it, and delivered to me automatically on a regular basis.

So, I'm looking for suggestions to add to my list. Things that would be good for me. Along my interests and that jazz. So, please, feel free to fire away. Here's what I'm subscribed to so far:

Daves Ramsey
Relevant Magazine

(And what are the odds Trevor and/or Ryan suggest the jOURney teaching podcast to me? I'd say right around 100% ... or at least they would have, had I not posted this.

1 comment:

Trevor said...

There's a great podcast for Journey Church available online and soon through iTunes. But apparently you already knew that!!