Monday, August 13, 2007

Coincidence? I think not

So, the other day, Rachel, her mom, and I were shopping at Kohls. Now (and this might be hard to believe, for all you guys out there) I wasn't really in the mood to look through women's clothing and/or shoes. So I wandered off on my own.

After a good bit of time (which would have probably felt eternally longer had I been with them in the women's section), I get a text asking where I am. I reply with a text stating that I am in mens.

However, upon entering it, I learn that the default for the keys 6367 (which gives you "mens") is actually "odor" on my phone.

So, you want mens, but get odor.

So mens=odor

Coincidence? i think not


Dri said...

HA! HA! HA! That's hilarious. Good for you for braving the world of shopping with women. Ryan usually doesn't go with me anymore... unless it's all three of us and then he usually gets stuck with Reece.

Jenette said...
