Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Meant To Live

So, sorry about the recent non-updateage. Been adjusting to a new schedule. Finally got a job, and 7 am is really early to be at work, and I'm still adjusting. But, that's kind of the point of this entry anyways.

So, I'm streaming RadioU and listening to it, and "Meant to Live" by SwitchFoot comes on. Great song. And my first thought is, honestly, "I don't want to hear this right now, it's going to depress me."

But it didn't.

Sure, I've got a Bachelor's degree, and thirty plus hours of Master's work, and despite that I'm working an eight-hour a day job at a plastic factory through a staffing agency just to pay my bills. And that's why I thought it might depress me.

But it just encouraged me.

I'm not laboring for man. I'm not laboring for myself. For the first time, I'm actually laboring for GOD. I'm moving forward in an attempt to advance his Kingdom. And, apparently, right now that part of the plan is taking the job I have and working it five days a week so I can prepare to move on to the next part of my life. If I really want "more than this world's got to offer", then why should not having a great paying and high profile job matter? Isn't HIS approval all that really matters when seeking "more than this world's got to offer"?

And that's all I want.

more than this world's got to offer
more than the wars of my father

God be glorified in all I do

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